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Forum Posts

Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
File Sharing The archives important feature in that they provide a file sharing mechanism with the capability to share knowledge And informations. Here you will find pdf documents like rare books and buisness models. Currently, we have an assortment of literature as well as some self sustainable blue print models, a rare book on merkobah activation, among other interesting things.
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
This one is fairly self explanatory. Its basically a shared media page where the community can post cool photos, humerous memes, enlighting quotes and what have you. This further serves to further compile our collective consciousness. In Sharing something meaningful here is like dropping a fragment of your own consciousness into the collective source to be further refined.
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
The Feed is divided into key categories which will evolve and develop over time. You will find various facets like; energy, knowledge, self sustainability, crypto currency, consciousness. It also serves as a place for general matters to be discussed, vendors to chat and new ideas to be introduced. In essence, this is where the collective dream is to be compiled. Things like the establishment to self sustainable communities, developing an independent currency, harnessing renuabke energy ect. Everything that goes into this forum is subject to manifestation. FEED CATAGORIES On the second selection menu of the page you will find a drop down menue where you can filter your feed by most recent, most popular, eve, By clicking the like button, as with any social element of the site, it is automatically saved to your "saved pages" tab on your profile page.
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
The Intent Rooms serve as a place to showcase ones individual passions and projects with the intent of sharing, promoting, and collaborating with one another. This, of course, further feeds into the collective manifestation mechanisim. Currently Members enjoy access to all basic social networking capabilities such as invites, media and content sharing, messaging ect. In the future, this portion will incorporate fund rasing capabilites, user stats, and crypto currency in such a way that users can fully organize their efforts. By implementing capabilities like membership rolls, goal assignment, and progress display, and providing incentive users will be further encouraged to collaborate on independent projects.
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
The implementation of "badges" is one of those simple add-on which have great potential in revolutionizing a platform. Currently, they serve to assign various roles to individual members and can actually be chosen upon initial account set up. Such badges include; member, visionary, contributer, influencer, and creator. While these badges can be chosen, others are more elusive to obtain and can only be assigned by an administrator or earned by completing various challenges or finding a secret easer egg within the site. Some such badges include; the "mad love" badge, the "with it badge" and even "the ninja badge" among various others. Such badges come with certain privileges and access to deeper parts of the application. I will leave it up to you to figure out how to obtain them. The badges element will continue to change and evolve along side the platform.
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
At the very bottom you will see a little Astronaut figure which I assume will dance a special dance will lead you to some secret area of the site. Just kidding, but in all honesty I've forgotten what he actually does, however, I plan to scatter such easter eggs throughout the entire site so to provide a fun way to find special features, hidden gems, and even rewards.
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
DASHBOARD Here your going to find a overview of everything that's going on in the collective. The latest blog post and knowledge drops, recent discussions, announcements, media sharing, and much more. Pretty straight forward. MENUES There are two main menus both located at the top right corner of the site. The arrow is for primarily social elements whole the dotted box is for navigation. NAVIGATION MENU The navigation menu can be easily found at the top right corner of the screen. At the very top there is a customary search bar where you can search the entirety of the site by key word. Below there is the dashboard which provides an automatic self-updating summary of everything currently going on in the collective. Everything from most recent blog posts, to discussions, to site announcements, to gram previews, featured products, media, even schedule and more. Below that you will also find another route to access your profile, followers and notifications. Further down you will se quick links to all the important areas of the site including; rooms, archives, gram, wall, shop and manifestation. SOCIAL MENU The social menu is marked with a down arrow and is fairly self explanatory. It provides quick access to ones profile, followers, account settings, notifications, ect. PROFILE Your profile page is akin to the one provided by Facebook in that it has a customizable profile picture as well as cover photo. The only difference being is that the format is far more attractive, don't you think? So you have the top two primary buttons, one for sending messages and the other a follow button to keep up to date with that particular member. Below, you gave a customization pop up menu as well as your standard membship summary which keeps up with your number of likes, followers and so forth. Then you will find a drop down menu where you can choose from a number of individual pages including; a standard about page, saved discussion, personal posts, shared files, as as an intent page which will keep track of the individual "intents" set for manifestation by the user which are to be refined and executed during the global meditation event which will initially be held once every month and then later at any specific time and date set by the user. A process which we will go over later on in this post. Furthermore, you will find that members have been assigned one or more "badges" which can be either earned or assigned by the individual user. We will elaborate on this in the next section. MEMBERS PAGE The membership page is simply a organizational chart which displays all current members and their basic stats such as number of followers. There are various options in regard to sorting the list and narrowing down the chart in the case you are seeking a specific user or group. Here you have the capability to follow and message members directly. One element, which you will find stands out from other social networking platforms are are the nifty display of various "badges"
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
So far, we have assembled a great team of of visionaries, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, and specialists with backgrounds of all kinds artists, designers, architects, medical specialists, reiki masters, massage therapists, event planners, knowledge seekers, software engineers, computer programmers, graphic designers, social networking influencers, ect We continue our search for affluent individuals whom are a part of a noble cause that sets out to improve life on Earth. We look for anyone with passion or a project that strives enrich mankind as well as creative individuals apart of anything which decorates, improves, or beautifies the state or the human condition. Membership doesn't requires anything other than an open mind and a willing heart. Our doors are open to anyone whom shares our calling to help change the world.
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
A global network brings together like minded individuals from all walks of life. Each member of the collective functions as their own interdependent piece of the puzzle. Each entity performing its own vital role to play. Together, they complete a whole, thus activating a highly efficient machine capable of virtually anything.
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
A proven theory in which each member participates in contributing to the whole in some way. The strength of the collective is prioritized over the excessive self enrichment. Over time, interconnectivity is naturally established between key components and all members benifit in attune to the forward momentum of the entire collective. Collective Engineering is built on three Fundimental ideas; 1. • Goods and services promoted, sold, and traded 2. • Ideas and knowledge exchanged and compiled3 • Individual projects are outlined Collaboration Encouraged THE VISION Globallective sets out to accomplish something which has never been done before. This entails a countless number of moving components which span every facit of life and brings together projects and organizations from all around the world. Globallective creates a powerful social component which ties it all together. Here members can showcase their ongoing efforts and ideas with access to powerfull tools designed for effective collaboration. Pioneers of Collective Engineering share avested interests in the establishment of; 1. Sustainable solutions and intentional communities 2. Interconnected and self reliant networkbetween organizations and business 3. A central operating body which generates its own resources and provides services to its members. 4. A mechanisim with the power of harnessing creative intent and manifesting the plans of the collective. Members of The Collective have made great strides in terms of self sustainability, holistic farming, renewable energy, crypto currency, water filtration systems, eco-villages, solar energy, frequency healing, wellness centers and more.
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
A" social manifestation" platform which harnesses and refines the unrealized power Collective Consciousnesugh quantum mining and huiman conciousness. orht io ncorporates built-in social networking capabilities which serve to bring together like-minded individuals and creates an atmosphere that promotes an open exchange of ideas and encourages mass collaboration between conscious minded collectives worldwide. The manifestation mechanisim works by means of combining cutting edge technology with ancient knowledge, this energy current can be directed towards a shared vision via collective vibration. Concept The primary concept behind the Globallective platform hinges on the basic principals of Law of Attraction and Conscious Manifestation. Science has proven that matter is affected by streams of consciousness produced by the mind of each andevery individual. Essentially, this means that thoughts have their own unique power to manifest reality. We understand that, on a fundimental level, reality is nothing more than a collective manifestation of consciousness. Every individual on the planet, whether they are aware of it or not, is playing some part the creation of the physical realm which we all experience with our five senses. We subscribe to the theory of "Collective Manifestation" which dictates that the power of Consciousness vested in every individual can be be harnessed, refined, and directed. Therefore, a group of individuals in close collaboration and resonating on a similar frequency have the capability to cause an even greater effect on reality and potentially possesses enough power to shape the world.
Day One
Day One
Apr 30, 2022
In Information
DASHBOARD Here your going to find a overview of everything that's going on in the collective. The latest blog post and knowledge drops, recent discussions, announcements, media sharing, and much more. Pretty straight forward. MENUES There are two main menus both located at the top right corner of the site. The arrow is for primarily social elements whole the dotted box is for navigation. NAVIGATION MENU The navigation menu can be easily found at the top right corner of the screen. At the very top there is a customary search bar where you can search the entirety of the site by key word. Below there is the dashboard which provides an automatic self-updating summary of everything currently going on in the collective. Everything from most recent blog posts, to discussions, to site announcements, to gram previews, featured products, media, even schedule and more. Below that you will also find another route to access your profile, followers and notifications. Further down you will se quick links to all the important areas of the site including; rooms, archives, gram, wall, shop and manifestation.
Day One
Day One
Dec 08, 2021
In Information Knowledge Exchange and NFT Marketplace [All Knowledge within is confidential!] ​ 1. Please Add a profile Picture and Annon Information. 2. SALES *NFT Sales are private deals Between Users - Display $cashtag or Bitcoin wallet Address to commence commerce 3. Communication - Use the Schurms App for General Communication Between Members - Use the Signal App for Other Sensitive Communications * The Source - Access Gates and Communications * Drops - Add Knowledge Drops and posts into The Sources * Operations - Launch Project and view current Operations / Collectives / Syndicates * NFT Gallery - Our Growing collection - Minted upon private sale ​ * Explore - Many Things To discover!
Day One
Day One
Dec 08, 2021
In Information
You Will need Various Keys to Access certain threads and forbidden zones of the Site. Keys are obtained in multiple ways depending on what content you are attempting to access. 3. Keys Grant you access TO Various Areas and Forbidden Zones *Keys are earned by: Purchasing NFT By Application Completing Challenges Participation "The Bud Lab" for example, must be granted to you through application ONLY.
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