A" social manifestation" platform which harnesses and refines the unrealized power Collective Consciousnesugh quantum mining and huiman conciousness. orht io ncorporates built-in social networking capabilities which serve to bring together like-minded individuals and creates an atmosphere that promotes an open exchange of ideas and encourages mass collaboration between conscious minded collectives worldwide. The manifestation mechanisim works by means of combining cutting edge technology with ancient knowledge, this energy current can be directed towards a shared vision via collective vibration.
Concept The primary concept behind the Globallective platform hinges on the basic principals of Law of Attraction and Conscious Manifestation. Science has proven that matter is affected by streams of consciousness produced by the mind of each andevery individual. Essentially, this means that thoughts have their own unique power to manifest reality. We understand that, on a fundimental level, reality is nothing more than a collective manifestation of consciousness. Every individual on the planet, whether they are aware of it or not, is playing some part the creation of the physical realm which we all experience with our five senses. We subscribe to the theory of "Collective Manifestation" which dictates that the power of Consciousness vested in every individual can be be harnessed, refined, and directed. Therefore, a group of individuals in close collaboration and resonating on a similar frequency have the capability to cause an even greater effect on reality and potentially possesses enough power to shape the world.