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Gradient Background

We are a global collective of like-minded artists, visionaries and entrepreneurs who believe in an open strategic exchange of ideas and lucrative concepts.

Monetize as Strategic Collective 


Our style facilitates communal growth and and open exchange of wealth and resources. We fund our "Main Land" projects using various protocols through avenues like art, fashion, and sovereign economics.



Forging True Connections is key to  achieving direct link to Source. thus, The of ticket for admission to our collective. We Work as One unit, One Flow.  


Ultimately, We are One.

Forging Collective 

Consciousness in its final form. The Power of our assembly creates a vibration with the ability to manifest All of reality. 




Building a Next Level

Our vision is to facilitate the creation of a new age of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity, and increased happiness for humanity. We are revolutionizing the world with our projects and funding our them through art, fashion, and decentralized economics. 


Now we are building the ultimate platform to unite massive communities and make it possible for anyone with the proper mindset to take advantage, regardless of their experience with NFT, Crypto, or Defi.


​We KNOW even a small group of people in full collaboration and committed  acting on what is in the best interest of everyone has the potential to transform the world. Imagine if we could get the masses to adopt this mindset what we would be capable of. 


With this platform, we will give humanity the keys to unlock the raw power of the collective consciousness, creating a massive positive impact on all of reality, its people, and the planet.


Launch/Join Ongoing Operations.

Streamlining the process of uniting key players to fill important roles. Combining cutting edge ideas and building powerful teams swiftly execute lucrative projects.

We are a collective of like-minded visionaries and entrepreneurs  revolutionizing the world through Art. - global sustainability projects, quantum technology, and sovereign economics. We strive to create an atmosphere that promotes an open exchange of ideas and encourages mass collaboration between conscious minded peoples worldwide.



The Gram

Post your pictures and artwork on our gram. Share with friends and connect with other members. Get your artwork sponsored and participate in giveaways and art contests.


Quickly build your project team and streamline the launch of your project within our collective. By becoming part of our collective you will become a part of our exclusive family. This means you will always have a home and forever hold a place pretty much anywhere on the planet.

Exchange Knowledge

In this new world we are creating, Its all about who you know and what you know and the people you share it with. Upload, download, share documents, books, pdfs, and important files  and compile knowledge in our archives.


We offer a range of exclusive products in our market place. We Pride ourselves in carrying the best and most exclusive produces. if your interested in utilizing our platform just drop us a line. As an official vendor you will of course be included in all collective activities and events.

What is Schurms?



  • Is a Collective Manifestation mechanism and social Platform which serves to harness the power of the collective consciousness.


  • A Knowledge exchange for conscious, truth seeking, spiritually minded,  curious individuals and crypto enthusiasts. .


  • Is creating a global community which unites like-minded people from around the globe.


  • Building Self Sustainable Communities world wide.

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